It is finally 2008! =[] it is a great time at new years, you sort-of get to start over in life. The bad things that you regret doing, you can forget and make a resolution not to do that bad thing again. Once again you get to be with friends, old and new. As the years go by, the years are different in every way. You grow older, you grow taller (or shrink) =], and lose friends and make new ones. And catch up with kids that you haven't seen in a while. What I did last night was every new year i go to my friends party, new years party that is, and i get to catch on things, and people that i haven't seen in a long time. =]. The sad thing is we have to go back to school tomorrow, just kidding. ;O. I really can't wait to go back and see all of my friends. Also, my 13th birthday is next Monday. =] But, every year is something different, people will graduate from high-school, and move on in their lives and move out of their parents house. =[]. And it will be a great year for everyone, i just know it. =]]/
k_byrd. =]]]
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